Free Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker 2019 release

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker 2019 release 1280p Watch Here BDRIP



USA Writer=Chris Terrio, Derek Connolly user Ratings=6,9 / 10 Star Cast=Daisy Ridley Synopsis=While the First Order continues to ravage the galaxy, Rey finalizes her training as a Jedi. But danger suddenly rises from the ashes as the evil Emperor Palpatine mysteriously returns from the dead. While working with Finn and Poe Dameron to fulfill a new mission, Rey will not only face Kylo Ren once more, but she will also finally discover the truth about her parents as well as a deadly secret that could determine her future and the fate of the ultimate final showdown that is to come

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First half of this film is terrible. The pacing is too fast. The dialogue is a disaster. There are many points where I feel so cringe and awkward. I don"t understand why there are some particular scenes in this, like the event at kijimi. I know they want to include some backgrouds of Poe, but this is a waste scene. This scene hardly contribute anything to the progression of this movie. Also, there are some scene that the director want us to feel sad like when they try to make us believe that Chewie is death or the scene when C3PO memory is erased. I felt so unrelated with these scene, and I thought why they needed to to this. You have many other choices to make audience feel sad, but you make these illogical scenes.
Last half is better, but still not impressive. The best scene of this movie was when Kylo duel with Rey and he returned to the light side again. Other good scenes are the scene where Rey meet Luke again and the final confrontation between Rey and emperor Palpatine. Others are quite boring. I had a lot of hope for the final battle, but I was disappoint. The space fight in Rogue One is still the best of all Star Wars film.
I appreciate the effort to make this movie relate to the Last Jedi. Many points from last film are explained in this film. Some make senses, but some are awkward.
There are many scenes in this episode that try to allude to the original trilogy. For examples, the scene where Rey mind control stormtrooper or the final battle between Rey and Palpatine which resembles the confrontation between Luke and the emperor. Some reminescences are OK, but not too much. I still can"t understand why they bring Palpatine back. Personally, I think it make Vader sacrifice seems worthless. I also hate the idea that every Star Destroyer can function like Death Star. This is a repetitious and stupid idea. It seems they were obsessed with destroying stars.
The main problem of this trilogy is that it is inconsistent. They should have the whole plot or theme of the whole trilogy before producing each movie. TROS include way too many things. It include Poe and Finn background which should have been developed in two previous movies. Emperor suddenly appear with no clues. Therefore, the film seems very rush, too many things happen which means it is very confusing and awkward.

Free star wars 3a episode ix- the rise of skywalker problems. This was everything a Star Wars movie should be. Entertaining. Visually appealing (3D was great. Different than any other franchise. Happy and funny and something the whole family can watch! We loved it. We love all of them because of this same reason. It"s not that serious people. It is MAKE BELIEVE and for the 2 hours you"re in it, it feels like you"re in it. That"s the whole idea. Free star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker.

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